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Future Foods: Lab-Grown Delights in Dubai

Lab-Grown Alternatives and Future Foods Showcase
Lab-Grown Alternatives and Future Foods Showcase

Dubai Future Forum recently hosted a groundbreaking food tasting session, offering visitors a glimpse into the future of sustenance. The event, titled "Putting the Future of Food to the Taste Test," gathered innovative companies to present lab-grown and animal-free alternatives to traditional culinary delights.


Among the showcased creations was a cheesecake crafted by Formo, a company utilizing precision fermentation. This lab-made cheese, which is both lactose-free and animal-free, impressed attendees with its light, creamy texture and delectable taste. Formo also presented a range of other cheeses, including feta, brie, cream cheese, and even scrambled eggs, all produced through precision fermentation.


Raffael Wolgensinger from Formo expressed satisfaction with the positive feedback, stating that people enjoyed the products. When asked about the availability of these lab-grown alternatives in the UAE market, he revealed that the company is actively working toward making them accessible locally, with potential interest from local businesses.


The chocolate segment of the tasting session featured products from California Cultured, produced through plant cell culture technology. The chocolate, indistinguishable from conventionally sourced cocoa, included dark and milk varieties. Attendees were surprised to find that these lab-grown chocolates maintained the quality and taste of their natural counterparts.


Another highlight was the introduction of cultured meat in the form of meatballs, presented by Newform Foods. Despite a slightly nutty flavor, the cultured meatballs closely resembled traditional lamb in taste. Brett Thompson, CEO and co-founder of Newform Foods, expressed honor in showcasing their work to a global audience at the Dubai Future Forum.


Overall, the event aimed to explore the potential of lab-grown and animal-free alternatives in shaping the future of food. While some products, like the cheesecake and chocolate, received high praise, others, like the cultured meatballs, sparked discussions about the feasibility of transitioning to more sustainable dietary choices. The tasting session provided a platform for attendees to consider the environmental impact of their food choices and encouraged a dialogue about the role of lab-grown alternatives in the culinary landscape.


As interest in sustainable practices continues to grow, events like these offer valuable insights into the evolving world of food technology and its potential to revolutionize our approach to consumption.

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By- Sahiba Suri

By: Sahiba Suri
