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Advancing Liver Health: New Centre for Education and Prevention

Liver Health Education and Prevention
Liver Health Education and Prevention

The Importance of Liver Health: Prevention, Education, and Early Detection

Liver diseases are often preventable, but early detection remains crucial for successful treatment. Dr. Ahmad Jazzar, a leading expert, emphasizes the significance of periodic tests for early diagnosis to combat liver diseases effectively.

Launching a New Centre
Abu Dhabi-based Burjeel Holdings has unveiled a cutting-edge centre focusing on gastrointestinal and liver diseases. Dr. Jazzar highlights the center's aim to educate the community on liver health, emphasizing preventive measures such as a balanced diet, regular exercise, and abstaining from alcohol.

Education and Prevention
Dr. Jazzar stresses the liver's vital role in metabolizing substances and underlines the importance of raising awareness about liver health. The centre prioritizes education and prevention, advocating lifestyle changes to combat obesity and promote overall well-being.

Comprehensive Services
The centre offers advanced diagnostic and therapeutic services for gastrointestinal and liver diseases. Specializing in various conditions, including inflammatory bowel disease and fatty liver, it utilizes state-of-the-art techniques for accurate diagnosis and treatment.

Role Beyond Treatment
Beyond providing medical care, the centre serves as an educational resource for the community. With experienced experts, it aims to raise awareness about liver health and promote healthy lifestyle habits.

Promoting Liver Health
Dr. Jazzar encourages individuals to prioritize liver health by maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Key practices include abstaining from alcohol, maintaining a healthy weight, and following a balanced diet and regular exercise regimen.

Recognizing Symptoms
Understanding the signs and symptoms of liver diseases is crucial for early detection. Symptoms such as jaundice, abdominal pain, and fatigue should prompt individuals to seek medical attention promptly.

The new centre marks a significant milestone in liver disease prevention and treatment. By focusing on education, prevention, and comprehensive care, it aims to improve liver health outcomes and promote overall well-being in the community.

By: Sahiba Suri
