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Why are teens running away? Experts break down the distress signals


Mental health professionals are shedding light on the underlying causes and warning signs that parents should be aware of in light of recent incidents of teenagers running away from home. Adolescents with untreated mental health disorders frequently experience intense feelings of shame and anguish, which can be brought on by a variety of situations like family disputes, relationship difficulties, or stress from school. Specialist Psychiatrist Dr. Sanghanayak S. Meshram of Zulekha Hospital Sharjah highlights that teens who are having trouble managing their stressors may resort to running away as a coping strategy. Adolescents may choose to leave their home environment due to a variety of reasons, including conflicts within the family dynamic, bullying at school, or substance abuse problems.
Parental caution should be exercised when there are abrupt behavioral changes, such as a decline in academic performance, an increase in aggression, or a greater sense of social isolation. The importance of recognizing any indications of rule-breaking tendencies, animal cruelty, or a lack of empathy cannot be overstated, says Dr. Bino Mary Chacko, a specialist psychiatrist at Medeor Hospital Abu Dhabi. These signs may point to deeper emotional struggles.
Parents must take proactive steps to address these problems, such as encouraging open communication and establishing clear limits. Parents should give priority to having conversations with their children about respect, positive peer influence, and body image, suggests Girish Hemnani, an Energy Healer and Life Coach from Dubai. Teenage rebellion can be lessened by teaching teenagers coping mechanisms for negative peer pressure and encouraging them to participate in constructive group activities.
Additionally, attending workshops and obtaining professional guidance can provide parents with the tools they need to support their teenagers during this difficult time in their lives. Parents can assist in preventing their teenagers from turning to extreme measures like running away by addressing mental health concerns at an early age and creating a supportive environment at home. Parents must continue to be watchful and approachable in order to give their teenagers the confidence to ask for assistance and direction when necessary.

By: Sahiba Suri
