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Say goodbye to hair fall with this magic potion

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I am a 15-year-old girl. I'm experiencing sudden hair fall, and I think it's because I'm using a different shampoo. I've never had a hair fall problem earlier; I had very thick hair but half of it is gone now. I want my thick and strong hair back. Can you please suggest a remedy?
- Haneen
First of all, hair fall does not always happen due to a shampoo; it could due to a medical issue, stress or poor circulation. Massaging the scalp regularly with a hairbrush or with fingertips activates circulation and stops hair fall. You may also massage 1 tablespoon almond oil mixed with 12 drops of rosemary oil on your scalp and leave overnight. Rosemary activates blood circulation and arrests hair fall. Check if your hair has dandruff: this could also cause hair fall.

I am a 14-year-old girl, and have a lot of hair on my chin; and now, they look thicker and darker than before. Is there any way to get rid of them quickly and naturally?
- Name withheld
Excessive hair can be due to hormonal imbalance. Checking with a doctor is a good idea. Take thick rice water, and add corn flour to it to make a sticky paste. Wash your face, removing all traces of oil. Dry, and apply the paste. When it dries, scrub against hair growth. Do this once a week; you will see a visible difference.

I am 36 years old, and use henna on my hair. Lately, I've had to use henna every week because my hair, especially in the front, becomes grey very quickly. I've been advised to start using hair colour to hide those greys as henna doesn't stay too long - but I've seen people having lots of hair fall after they start using colour. Please advise if there's a natural way to have my greys covered for at least a month.
- Name withheld
Hair colour, when covering grey hair, needs to be touched up every time grey hair appears. Henna is my first choice; if you don't like the orange colour of henna when it coats grey hair, then, when mixing the henna, place it in a black iron pan and leave to brew for 1 hour; the henna will acquire a darker shade. Henna is natural, safe and the best choice.

I'm a regular follower of your remedies, and find them really effective. I have marks on my face left behind by pimples; these marks have a brown colour and are noticeable because I have a fair complexion. I started applying Vitamin E oil on my face, but can't see any results. Is there a quick remedy for this? I have to attend my sister's wedding in a month.
Also, I have very thin hair; following your advice, I started applying castor oil mixed with coconut oil but am noticing that my hair has become even thinner. I also have a lot of bald patches. Please help!
- Name withheld
Vitamin E oil is a good treatment for lightening marks. You could also rub ripe papaya pulp twice a day to expedite the lightening process; leave on for an hour, rinse off and then apply Vitamin E oil on the marks.
The cause of bald patches is definitely not the use of coconut oil and castor oil. Soak fenugreek seeds overnight; grind and make a paste; mix with yoghurt and apply in hair and on scalp. Do this thrice a week. But see a doctor in any case: it may be alopecia causing those bald patches.

I have dull skin. Please help!
- Beenish
Take 1 tablespoon of powdered walnut, mix with a little yoghurt - and apply this mask on your face. When dry, scrub with damp fingers. Rinse off thoroughly, and follow with a cold water splash. Do this every day.

 /  Source: KhaleejTimes
