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New Abu Dhabi CSI church holds first public service

Abu Dhabi CSI church
Abu Dhabi CSI church

The inauguration of the new Church of South India (CSI) Parish in Abu Dhabi marks a significant milestone for its members, evoking nostalgia and gratitude for a journey that began over four decades ago. The inaugural public service, attended by a diverse congregation, symbolizes the realization of a long-cherished dream, made possible by the generous gift of land from the UAE President. Recollections from old-timers underscore the significance of the occasion, recalling the humble beginnings of the CSI congregation's first service held in 1979. The establishment of the CSI Parish's own building, after years of gathering in various locations, represents a testament to the perseverance and dedication of its members and leaders. The new church, open to visitors of all faiths, embodies the values of inclusivity and interfaith dialogue, fostering a spirit of love, peace, and harmony within the community. The heartfelt expressions of gratitude towards supporters and donors highlight the collaborative efforts that have brought this project to fruition. As the church opens its doors to worshippers and visitors alike, it stands as a beacon of unity and faith in Abu Dhabi.

By: Sahiba Suri
