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Heatstroke kills 30 in Thailand this year, extreme heat warning issued

 Thailand heatwave
Thailand heatwave

The scorching heatwave in Thailand has claimed the lives of 30 people this year alone, prompting extreme heat warnings from authorities. With temperatures soaring above 52 degrees Celsius, Bangkok faces particularly dangerous conditions. Across Southeast Asia, the situation is dire, with record-breaking temperatures and a wave of heat-related illnesses. The effects of the El Nino weather pattern exacerbate an already challenging situation, as communities struggle to cope with the intense heat. In Myanmar, where temperatures soared to nearly 46 degrees Celsius, power outages add to the difficulties faced by residents. As the region grapples with this extreme weather, authorities advise vulnerable individuals to stay indoors and stay hydrated. With April typically being the hottest month, concerns mount over the escalating impacts of climate change and the need for urgent action to address this global challenge.

By: Sahiba Suri
