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Get Acquainted with the 'Recycling Queen' Who's Battled Plastic Pollution for Over 25 Years

Middle East
The 'Recycling Queen' of Gambia's Inspiring Journey

Isatou Cissay, affectionately known as the 'Recycling Queen' of Gambia, has a remarkable story of turning plastic waste into opportunities for her community. Her journey began 25 years ago when she saw a chance to rid her village of harmful plastic bags, and she hasn't looked back since.

For Cissay, opportunities are like ripe mangoes—you grab them and never let them go. When she learned about the devastating effects of plastic waste, she seized the opportunity to make a difference. "The project not only made my village clean but also financially empowered women," she proudly stated. Her work aligns with the wisdom of Nobel Prize-winning activist Dr. Mohammed Younus, who recognized that when women have control over money, their families and communities benefit.

Cissay's journey started with a chance encounter with a Peace Corps member named Peggy, who introduced her to the concepts of sustainability and plastic waste. This newfound knowledge opened Cissay's eyes to the environmental issues affecting her village. She observed animals in her community dying, initially attributed to mysterious diseases. However, armed with the insights from Peggy, Cissay realized that plastic pollution was the real culprit.

Determined to prove the harmful effects of plastic, Cissay approached local butchers to examine the intestines of deceased animals. Her findings provided irrefutable evidence that plastic was the cause of these deaths. She also convinced people to stop burning plastic bags as fuel, further mitigating the environmental impact.

Cissay's innovative spirit led her to launch the "One Plastic Bag" movement, aimed at teaching women how to recycle waste and transform it into income-generating products. They started with crafting purses from discarded plastic bags and gradually expanded to other items.

Empowering women became a cornerstone of Cissay's mission. As these women began earning income, their lives underwent transformation. They could afford better nutrition, school fees, home repairs, and plan for their futures. The positive change in these women's lives had a ripple effect on the entire village.

Motivated by their success, Cissay and her team decided to extend their impact beyond their village. In 2012, they officially registered as the "Women's Initiative Gambia," broadening their programs to include various initiatives.

One notable initiative focused on briquet production. Instead of traditional charcoal briquettes, they used coconut husks and shells to manufacture eco-friendly briquettes. This not only reduced pollution but also helped combat deforestation.

Isatou Cissay's journey exemplifies how a single individual's determination and passion can transform a community and inspire positive change. Her work serves as a beacon of hope for sustainability and women's empowerment in Gambia and beyond.

By: Vibha Kapoor
