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Maria's perspective on life transformed

Maria Shtonda's life took an incredible turn when she secured a job with Genieology, a Dubai-based company. As a self-taught designer from Ukraine, she faced adversity in a conflict zone but was granted the opportunity to work remotely, allowing her to stay close to her family during challenging times.

Despite facing the constant threat of shelling and dealing with frequent power and internet outages, Maria remained committed to her work. However, commuting to Dubai for team meetings became an arduous task due to the destruction of local airports and closed airspace. It now took her over 35 hours of travel, including multiple train rides and a long flight, to reach her workplace.

Maria's journey started in 2016 when she worked as a waitress in the UAE. As she yearned for a more fulfilling career, she took a short design course and later worked as an office admin. Building her portfolio diligently alongside her job, she reached out to potential employers on LinkedIn until she finally landed her job with Genieology.

As fate would have it, trouble struck Ukraine shortly after she started her job. Sensing the impending danger, Maria asked her boss if she could work remotely from Ukraine to be with her family, which her boss kindly agreed to. Soon after her return, the conflict erupted, disrupting her work plans.

Despite the challenging circumstances, Maria found immense support from her Dubai teammates, who offered her a place to stay and a car if she chose to return to Dubai. However, her priority was the safety of her family, so she stayed in Ukraine, frequently changing homes to avoid the conflict.

Maria's fiancé, though not a soldier, was in the army and unable to leave the country during the ongoing conflict. Despite witnessing the harsh reality of war for two years, Maria remained hopeful and dreamt of a day when she could bring her family to Dubai and have a stable life.

Throughout the ordeal, Maria's perspective on life transformed. Her attachment to her physical home diminished, realizing she could adapt and live anywhere despite the circumstances. The experience taught her valuable lessons, and she hoped to reflect on it one day and marvel at how she navigated through such challenging times.

 /  Source: Khaleej Times
