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Why 7 out of 10 residents believe in lifelong learning


Most people in the UAE recognize that staying educated will help them stay motivated about what lies ahead according to research results. 

An organization named Institute for Future Readiness based in the UAE ordered this research to determine public opinions on ongoing training and skill upgrades. 

Based on the survey results 71% or 7 out of every 10 residents in UAE support ongoing education as a path to future success. 

Natalia Miranda the US expatriate in Dubai thinks today's technology lets people access knowledge better than before. Through services like Coursera you can study for free while accessing educational content right from your phone. You can access learning materials and study at your own pace since traditional courses with fees and deadlines are not necessary.

Through LinkedIn and Coursera I have taken classes on digital marketing and wellness plus designed and studied sustainability and graphic design to apply new knowledge. These study skills courses from MIT help me understand better ways to learn and I want to apply them to both my life and the lives of my children. According to Miranda online educational content helps people learn better than formal certificates alone. 

At 21 years old student Amir Khalil plans to both match others' progress and actively enjoy his own development. 

Through my life I continue to learn new things. Learning happens anywhere through basic skills development including courses and workshops plus observing those around us. Remaining eager to discover new things leads to success. 

By learning new skills in technology or emotional intelligence and mastering new software or languages we stay prepared for the future. When we make learning a natural part of our everyday routine we get better prepared for the future while gaining confidence and adaptability to grasp new opportunities. 

What are the key skills for future-readiness?  

The research investigation asked participants which abilities they ranked as essential for preparing for what lies ahead. Leadership and technical expertise ranked as the top skills for career success with 63 percent support and human abilities like listening and empathy shared second place with 60 percent approval. Forty-two percent of respondents prioritized teaching students how to think like entrepreneurs. 

In today's changing world the essential skills required for future readiness have replaced optional choices. 

According to Selina Neri CEO at The Institute for Future Readiness people in our study see the future with hope but worry about keeping their skills current. Organizations should build a long-term plan that helps employees develop necessary skills through multiple paths to match future job demands. 

Marc Ellis the General Manager of Aws Ismail Dubai shares from his years of recruitment experience that people increasingly acquire new skills and professional certifications while transitioning between jobs to match today's fast-paced job market. 

Technology has advanced training methods to new levels according to my thinking. Because AI technology and automation tools now control our work processes organizations must stay updated to succeed. Our training academy has seen strong interest in technology courses during the past two years as big companies now send their teams to learn robotic process automation and artificial intelligence. 

According to hiring experts lifelong learning includes accepting knowledge from everyone including colleagues, older and younger people, trips, and life's difficult moments. 

To stand out in career change applications candidates should present practical proof of their skills because businesses want to see what they can do. 

According to Nicki Wilson from Genie Recruitment Executive Director digital marketing and social media demonstrate exceptional lifelong learning. 

Wilson shared details of someone who started at zero digital marketing knowledge but built a multimillion-dollar business in five years. He did not take classes in any marketing, tech or digital subject. Having determination and drive can take you from zero to success in just five years. 

The UAE community embraces lifelong learning as 7 out of 10 residents support it. Join the movement of continuous education now. To stay informed about current news subscribe to Just Dubai.

By: admin
